Map of Maruun

This past week I drew up a quick sketch of the continent of Maruun (with the borders for the kingdoms within it) and asked Solis if she could draw up a really nice version like she did with my map in the book.  She did a great job and I’m planning to give out copies of this map to everyone who buys my book at the Augusta Toy and Comic Show this Friday and Saturday.  Below is the map:

Maruun Map

This map isn’t necessarily to scale.  To give you some idea of the size of the continent, though, the idea I had while writing the book is that Maruun is about twice the size of the U.S.A.  The book covers parts of the kingdoms of Jeul, Norin, and Astor, and includes a few characters that are from Nadara (Gallen, Caleb, Annah, and Matthew).  Orlay and Lenden are not mentioned at all in the first book, but I wanted to give people an idea of where the other kingdoms were.

The small forest to the southwest of Norin is where Leef is located, which is a village of elves that is mentioned a few times in the book (I think, I know it is at least mentioned once).  Leef was created by elves that left Jeul long ago.  Although they retreated from the rest of the world, they are on good terms with the other kingdoms, including Jeul.

Jeul is an elven kingdom and Norin, Astor, and Nadara are human kingdoms.  Orlay is a kingdom of elves as well, and their castle and towns are located in the Orlay mountains.  There is a road that runs from the east coast, through Jeul, all the way to the west coast and passes through the mountain pass in Orlay.  The elves of Orlay are different from the elves of Jeul as they have the same dark brown skin of the Nadarans.  Lenden in a human kingdom that split off from Nadara to explore to the northwest, where they settled.

There are towns and villages and forts that exist outside of the kingdoms, in the mostly untouched land.  The epilogue, for example, ends in the port town of Hunim (not named in the text until book two, Mermaids’ Hope).  Hunim is located in the Southwest along the coast, below the forest above the islands.  Hunim is where chapter 2 takes place in Mermaids’ Hope, while chapter 1 begins on another continent to the west across the Jera Sea.  I cannot wait to share this with you all in Mermaids’ Hope.  When I finish Mermaids’ Hope, my plan is to write a couple of science fiction/space fantasy stories before returning to write the sequel to Mermaids’ Hope.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to sharing more pictures soon with you!

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